colic, constipation + chiropractic

Is your baby having trouble falling asleep and wakes up often, constipated, having a painful latch, fussy & gassy or delayed development? Instead of falling asleep easily and staying asleep, poops regularly and has great digestion, healthy ears and hitting development milestones?

In our office we love helping babies, and parents just like you get to the root of these struggles, and walk free.

While colic and constipation seem common for babies to experience, they are not normal. What does normal look like? Babies should be eating without struggle and pooping regularly, and fussiness and stress levels should be generally low, so baby's body knows that it's in a safe place to grow and develop. When a struggling baby comes into our office, we go to work. We begin by locating the stress stored in the baby's spine & nervous system with nervous system scans, which tells us exactly where the baby needs to be adjusted & how often.

We find the root of the stress. And the most common cause of the stress in the nervous system is trauma from birth. Even the most natural, healthy and non-invasive births can still leave baby with lots of stress. In fact, 90% of babies are born with a misalignment in their spine. Which interferes with normal function in every system of their body. Babies born with stress in their spine and nervous system have trouble adapting to the world outside their mommy's tummy. They're left stressed and the body's priority becomes survival, when it should be development.

During baby’s care we notice:

  • a major decrease in stress

  • regular digestive function

  • less spitting up & gas

  • less ear infections

  • clear breathing

  • deeper, longer sleeps

  • and a less fussy baby

(We also see baby catching up on developmental milestones, as their nervous system escapes survival mode, and tells the brain that it's okay to plant, develop, grow, and thrive where they're at.)

In case you are shocked that babies can get adjusted…We specialize in adjusting the littlest members of the family. An adjustment to a little one uses no more pressure than you'd apply to a tomato, to check its ripeness. Lots of babies sleep, or even giggle and smile through it.

We have a special place in our hearts for babies. It's not fun when they struggle. If your baby is extra fussy, colicky, constipated. or if you know that something just isn't right... Reach out to us so we can help! You and your little one deserve to be healthy & happy!


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fertility + chiropractic