kids + teens chiropractic

We know that the health of a child is a parent’s number one priority. Regular spinal checks are an essential part of effective health care in a child. Chiropractic care is very safe and extremely effective in children.

A child encounters many stressors in his/her growing years, including physical and biomechanical stresses. As a result,  misalignments in children’s spines can occur at almost any point in their development and growth. A child’s first misalignment may occur in utero or at birth. The different fetal positions can cause problems in the baby’s spine. Spinal segments can be pushed out of place or jammed by the position of the baby in the womb. If this position is less than optimal, it can result in a longer and more difficult labor and birth. The labor and delivery process itself is traumatic to the newborn’s spine and nervous system. Birth processes such as cesarean sections, the use of forceps, pulling the baby’s head, and vacuums put an unnatural traction on the infant’s delicate spine resulting in misalignments and stress on the nervous system, which is why it’s important to have your child’s spine and nervous system checked after birth. However,  it's never too late to get your child's spine checked!

As children transition into adolescence and teenage years, they have a number of different stresses to navigate. The world is placing a lot of demand on them. They have to grow up faster, learn more complex material, and excel in their extracurricular activities. So we want to make sure their nervous systems are clear and connected so they can better adapt to these life stressors!

Benefits of chiropractic for kids + teens:

  • better sleep

  • reach milestones timely

  • decreased colic/reflux

  • diminished allergies

  • less asthma

  • improved digestion

  • less hyperactivity and sensory challenges

  • less ear infections

  • increased immune system function 

  • enhanced athletic performance

  • elevated mood

  • improvement in behavior

  • more connection

Such amazing benefits of an optimally functioning nervous system!

At Vitality Family Chiropractic, Dr. Jessica has extensive training in pediatric chiropractic care and is able to assess if your child is functioning at their best.


postpartum + chiropractic


our approach to fertility