what is chiropractic?

Chiropractic is designed on the concept of vitalism. It is believed that the body has an Innate Intelligence to healing, and dis-ease occurs when the body’s natural ability to adapt to life’s forces (stress, environmental toxins, traumatic events) is interrupted. The body and the brain need to communicate with each other, and they do this through the nervous system. What disrupts this communication pathway is called a subluxation or misalignment, which interferes with the normal function of the nervous system. When a misalignment occurs it creates irritation and puts stress on the nerves preventing them to function at an optimal level.  Symptoms may include pain, muscle tightness or weakness, inflammation or an overall decrease in the quality of life. By removing misalignments through a very safe, specific, and controlled force applied to a joint, the interference is released and the body’s nervous system is able to function fully and properly. The body is then able to heal from the inside out. Essentially, with chiropractic, true healing is coming from within the body.

We see a variety of common conditions on a daily basis to help our practice members. One common misconception about chiropractic care is that it is limited to temporary pain relief. While that does indeed happen, practice members also get the added benefits of:

  • elevated mood

  • decreased inflammation

  • enhanced work performance

  • improved sleep

  • improved digestion

  • improved hormone regulation

  • better immune function

  • more comfortable days

  • more energy

  • postural improvements

  • diminished allergies

Chiropractic improves the bodies’ natural ability to heal and regulate itself by keeping the nervous system functioning at its best. We live our entire life through our nervous system. Every movement, sensation, emotion, and organ function is under the guidance of the brain-body connection. So why wouldn’t you care for your nervous system?!


the “spark plugs” of your body


prenatal chiropractic