women’s health tiers

Here you will find the different options for your health journey.



The purpose of chiropractic care is not the treatment of conditions or disease; rather, it is the restoration of normal body function. At Hello Wellness + Chiropractic Co, we work with the nervous system via gentle spinal adjustments. The goal is to reduce stress related interference to the nervous system, thereby enhancing overall body function. All the systems of the body — circulatory, digestive, eliminatory, hormonal, glandular, immunological, muscular, reproductive, respiratory, and skeletal — depend on the optimal function of the nervous system.

If you are looking for chiropractic only for:

pain relief

pregnancy care

postpartum care

wellness care

we got you!

chiropractic + HTMA

The HTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis) is a great addition to your chiropractic care if you want to take your healing journey a step deeper. Minerals are what make your body perform properly. Without minerals, the reactions responsible for hormone production, thyroid health, detoxification, digestion, and more aren’t able to happen they way that they should.

The HTMA provides us with the following information:

mineral status for the past 3 months

how your body uniquely responds to stress

the relationship between minerals and the impact they have on specific organs + systems

heavy metal toxicity

With the HTMA, you provide a hair sample and send it to the lab. Our office receives your results and Dr. Jessica with interpret them and the write up her recommendations based on your body’s unique needs. This is a great option for: fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, wellness, hormone balance, chronic stress, PMS + period issues, and fatigue. Learn more about minerals and why they are the ‘spark plugs’ of your body.

This option is great for you DIYers who just want a plan to go by. There are no follow-ups or check-ins with this one, but it is recommended to do follow-up HTMA tests every 4-6 months to update your recommendations.



her wellness

A root-cause approach to the health and deeper healing you’ve always wanted. I believe you can live your life symptom-free. Seems a little too good to be true? Not at all!

You may be living your days with chronic discomfort, daily fatigue or even more annoying symptoms that are keeping you from living your best life. But they leave you wondering: Is my body supposed to feel this way? The short answer is no.

Symptom free means no daily dull headaches. It means no more random breakouts you don’t understand. It means sleeping through the night, regular cycles, zero digestive issues, manageable moods. I’m here to tell you: It’s time to say “goodbye” to yet another flare up, yet another doctor’s visit with no answers, or yet another day or month or year of total stagnance and no change.

Release the power of vitality and embrace a fresh start to your health.

Are you struggling with?

brain fog

bloating + IBS symptoms

thyroid dysfunction

chronic fatigue

hormone imbalances

inability to lose weight

anxiety + depression

acne or other skin conditions

irregular/painful periods

autoimmune disease

chronic illness

Maybe you’ve tried the quick fixes, the fad supplements or other programs with little to no positive changes to your health. But how could that be when all these things work for someone else? Because each us are uniquely bio-individual and have different needs to heal and you aren’t getting to YOUR true root cause.

That’s where our no-guessing, root cause approach comes in. Our approach will lead to actual healing, not just bandaids and symptom chasing. We utilize Bioresonance Scans and HTMA tests along with the clues your body provides, to identify foundational imbalances and the root cause of your symptoms.

From there, we create a personalized plan, just for YOU designed to overcome nutritional deficiencies, support your body’s ability to properly eliminate toxins, and restore balance within.

Are you ready to try something different?